When to quit your job
By Emma Dale. Posted in Blog

Resignations aren’t nice for anyone. They are difficult for you the employee, your colleagues and not forgetting your superiors. But, leaving a job and moving on to pastures new is all part of business and the natural cycle of any company. Knowing when to do it however can make the whole process far more digestible for all involved, including yourself, so here are our top tips for doing it right.


1. … while you’re ahead

It’s always good to leave on a high and the workplace is no exception. Leaving a company at your peak can do wonders for your career prospects. This is the time when you will feel at your most confident at interview and be able to talk about your achievements to potential employers with ease and assurance. Flying the nest may well be a blow for your colleagues and team members, however they will be left with a lasting impression of your excellent work. And, most importantly, give you that glowing reference you deserve.

2. …when you’re leaving the company in a good place

Times of crisis may make you want to run for the door but is jumping ship the answer? When times are hard, sticking it out for better or worse shows strength and resilience. Ditching your team when they need you the most is far from ideal so make sure you hand in your notice when the company is in a good place. Better yet, ensure there is a succession plan in place and someone you know, trust and believe in to take the helm.

3. …when you’ve tried and cannot change employment circumstances internally

Everything in life has its ups and downs but when there are more downs than ups, your gut instinct is probably right. We all know the tell-tale signs: your KPIs are no longer meaningful to you, you can’t remember the last good day you had and you struggle to find time for loved ones and things that matter most to you. If you have tried all you can, then life is too short to stay in a role that doesn’t make you happy when another could really help you reach your full potential.

4. …when you have another job lined up

As tempting as it may seem, those carefree days of lunches, daytime cinema trips and yoga sessions will soon get tiresome without a new job on the horizon. The feeling of freedom, can quickly turn to panic when you realise that it could take several months to find a new role and those bills aren’t going to pay themselves… Moreover, you are far more employable in a job than outside one. Career breaks will always be questioned by employers and getting back into the swing of work after a gap can take time. You will also be in a better place to negotiate terms of your next employment from your current one.

Our final tip is to get career advice and that’s where we come in. We can help you look at your options and find a role that ticks all the boxes.